Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Journey to a Fully Cloud-Based Infrastructure Part 1

The Problem:
High Alert, LLC is a new startup consulting firm.  Bringing togther the talents of 5 highly motivated skilled and knowledgeable team-members, it is poised for great success in our chosen specialty of disaster and crisis management.  However, we face some great hurdles in maximizing productivity due to our geographic disparateness....from the Deep South to the Pacific Northwest to Canada and parts beyond...coordination of communication and effective sharing of resources is imperative to avoid needless duplication of efforts.  With a management structure based on the Incident Command System, two virtual staff meetings are held each week to provide an overview of ongoing efforts on each project and establish new priorities and directions as needed.   Group sessions are facilitated using Web-Ex.  The Web-Ex product is also used for sales presentations and customer support sessions.  Remote desktop support is accomplished via Microsoft Mesh technology.  This allows two users to interactively work on one computer and also provides a structure for the sharing of files between machines. 

Needs:  a system for project management that provides for individual task tickets.  These tickets can then be checked out..worked on and returned to the central repository along with associated files/information/status updates.